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Act as Local Guardian till Course Completion
You have sent your dear ward to study. But who will help them find their feet? What about the initial settling in? Who will act as local guardian till course completion? What if there is some emergency, medical or otherwise? You cannot be in the study location all the time and help your ward out with their day-to-day activities. So what is the best option available?
This is where the expertise of education diary comes in which works till course completion of the student. We promise to act in as the local guardian for your ward until course completion and ensure that all formalities are taken care of. By effectively representing you, we will ensure that your ward faces no difficulty during the study and after college hours in any way.
With our local guardian services till course completion, you are assured of absolute peace of mind. By offering complete support, your child is sure to concentrate more on studies and not feel the strain of separation.
Friendly and trustworthy, our guardians are trained to be real angels!
What we offer as being Local Guardians to parents
- Weekly and monthly updates of their children
- Weekly attendance, exam results, fee structures etc
For Students till course completion
- Assistance in finding accommodation
- Help in opening bank accounts
- Local pick up, travel and ticketing arrangements
- Help in the event of emergencies
- Act as local guardian services till course completion
Interested? Contact us for more details.