Direct Admission in SRM Chennai

SRM University – Chennai Opens The Door To a World of Opportunities

Direct Admission in SRMEvery university becomes an epicenter of studying while designed across the nation-states of education, aspiration, happiness, and well-being. SRM University-Chennai is one of the youngest institutions in the country, making headway with a wonderful vision and an unusual modus operandi. SRM University-Chennai fosters a prominent studying tradition with a plethora of avenues for scholars to dive into and remodel themselves as new-age professionals. Every innovation is brought with the motive of shaping its college students to embrace destiny in its fullest sense.

In the face of advancing technology and developing digitization, the university has set out on a project to prepare its college students with a future-orientated curriculum encompassing practical studying reviews. Having recognized as a broad-based multidisciplinary research-intensive college, the organization takes enormous care in orienting its studying lifestyle consistent with the rising needs of society. It additionally ensures that researchers are provided with a testing concentrated on potential outcomes having further friendly ramifications.

Rolling out a slew of revolutionary initiatives which include Inter-Disciplinary Experiential Active Learning (IDEAL) methodology, and Semester Abroad Programmes. SRM University-Chennai leaves no stone unturned to arm the scholars to make themselves a niche in a global surging in advance with remarkable possibilities.

Inter-Disciplinary Active Learning

Direct Admission in SRM Chennai -IDEA is a educating approach launched to enable college college students to graph their personal direction of find out about that suits their private interests. It gives them the capability to find out about flexibly and discover their passions throughout a number fields. By finishing a fundamental in one place and additionally pursuing minor or specialised courses, college students attain a well-rounded training and beautify their employment opportunities. This revolutionary strategy to education, alongside with vast company internship programs, positions it as a forward-thinking strategy.

Semester Abroad Programmes

The worldwide collaborations and partnerships installed through the university with world-class establishments, which includes the University of California, Harvard Business School Online, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, and other top organizations, will open the gateway for its college students to accumulate worldwide publicity and get familiar with contemporary developments in the international market. Semester Abroad Programme is a profitable possibility for students to improve themselves on par with worldwide excellent professionals. Moreover, the Memorandum of Understanding signed by SRM University– Chennai and different universities will permit college students to set free themselves to new cultures, mindsets, and work environments.

Corporate Relations and Career Services

Direct Admission in SRM Chennai – The Department of Corporate Relations and Career Services works with the cause to make sure cent percent campus placement for its students. The division provides practical training and internship opportunities for university students to develop their skills and learn from experts in their area of study. With a solid partnership with top firms, such as Infosys, ONGC, Electronics Corporations of India Limited, etc., the CR&CS division offers students a wide range of opportunities to enter their desired career paths.

Clubs and Societies for Students

Direct Admission in SRM Chennai – The college nurtures learning surroundings beyond academics to inspire college students to enhance their skills and passion. The scholar clubs and societies provide them with umpteen structures to interact in extra-curricular activities and make studying a wholesome experience. To list a, literary clubs, movie clubs, sports activities clubs, theatre clubs, photography clubs, etc., are a number of the incredibly enticing clubs sought-after by college students. The Department of Student Affairs is doing an outstanding job by coordinating with the faculty and college students and hosting such enriching activities on campus. Direct admission in SRM Chennai under the management quota is a great option for students who are looking to pursue their higher education in these universities.

The university is stewarding an academic revolution in the country by taking a detour from the traditional pathway to walk college students right into a fathomless world of possibilities. As society evolves with unpredictable modifications with every passing day, it is vital to capacitate scholars to stay flexible with such uncertainties. SRM University-Chennai fosters and molds its college students to be multi-proficient people and bold and sufficient to embody any undertaking that comes their way.  Education Diary makes your dreams so easy, so what are you waiting for, Go get Direct Admission in SRM Institute under the management quota.


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